Risk of photosensitive seizures!
During operation, the camera’s LEDs are being fl ashed. This may cause epileptic
seizures or impair consciousness with light-sensitive individuals and may even aff ect
people who are not suff ering from epilepsy. Therefore, absolutely observe the
Never look directly into fl ashing LEDs
Never point fl ashing LEDs at individuals or motorists, etc.
If epilepsy-like symptoms occur, disrupt all work immediately and consult a doctor
Always operate the camera with permanent light when it is outside a closed pipe
Inspection modes
The camera can be operated in two diff erent inspection modes - the navigation mode and
the view mode. Being in the
navigation mode (1)
, the camera’s angle of view is wide and
both joints are moved. Being in the
view mode
, only the front joint is moved and the image
is additionally panned and tilted digitally. Thus damages and pipe joints can be surveyed in
Release mode
Being in the release mode the camera is fl exible and can pass e.g. bends and branches
without controlling the camera. The software can3D® automatically activates this mode in
certain situations but it can also be activated and deactivated manually at any time.
Measurement of pipe run
HD features sensors for the measurement of the pipe run. For a ideal
measurement the image has to be centered (for more detailed information read the
manual can3D
2018). When the camera is operated in the view mode, the measurement is