Subject to modifications
Display of errors and warnings
Display of errors
If the control system detects an error, is shown, below, the error number is shown and the error is
written on the display in clear text.
Additionally, a continuous signal tone is emitted.
Display of warnings
If the control system detects an operating state meaning a warning, is shown and the number of
the warning is shown. If no error is active at the same time at the warning display, the warning is written
in clear text at the display and 3 short signal tones are emitted.
The signal tone can be stopped by shortly pushing button 3 or button 6 or by means of one of the 3 turning knobs.
If a
new error or warning is detected, a new signal tone is emitted.
As soon as the error or the warning is removed, the error message or the warning expires.
48 Control system k-tronic