5 Commissioning and Operation
Kübler Group
28 - EN
HB Modbus Interface - R67048.0002 - 02 Register 261 Write Node ID
Valid node IDs are in the range 0x01…0xF7 (0x00 is reserved for the PLC, 248...255 are re-
The new node ID is taken over with Write Node ID Update (register 40263)..
After a node ID update, the new node ID will be taken over only after completion of a switch off/
switch on cycle. Register 263 & 264 Write Position Preset Value
The actual position of the encoder is set to the programmed preset value immediately after a
valid update command. This allows for example setting the encoder position to the position of
the application. The range is checked after the transmission of the preset values. Allowed only
when the encoder is standing still.
Preset range singleturn 0…65535 (16 bits)
Preset range multiturn 0…2ˆ32 -1 (32 bits)
Preset delay: 100μs
Position check after preset: yes (internal)
The value is taken over with Write position preset update (register 40266).
Response delay after Preset update execution command:
20ms required for the saving process Register 266 Write Count Direction Update
Permissible count direction values:
1 = counter-clockwise CCW
2 = clockwise CW
The value is taken over with Write count direction update (register 40268).
Response delay after Reverse update execution command:
15 ms required for the saving process Register 268 Write Termination Modbus
The bus termination is configured per software through register 40269. When the line has been
looped through, it must be terminated at the end of the last encoder between D0 and D1.
Permitted values: Termination off = 0, Termination on = 1
Default multiturn termination on = 1 (on)
The value is taken over with Write termination update (register 40270).
Response delay after Termination update execution command:
15 ms required for the saving process Register 274 Write Lower Limit Value
The actual position of the encoder is compared with the programmed limit value immediately
after a valid update command. This allows for example comparing the encoder position with the
position of the application. The range is checked after the transmission of the preset values.
Lower preset value 0x0000 … 0xFFFF