Index 6b
EN - page 2
573T_01a /Jan-17
First Version
573T_02a /Feb-17
Second Version
573T_02b /March-17
minor changes and fixes
573T_3a /Oct-17
Index 3, expansion of the scale units
573T_4a /April-18
Extension with IO-Link
in preparation / available on request
573T_5a /June-18
Extension with Modbus
573T_5b /July-18
With Modbus and IO-Link description
573T_6a /April-19
Extension of large display
573T_6b /April 22
IO-Link diagnose: no
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All contents included in this manual are protected by the terms of use and copyrights of
Kübler GmbH.
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as in the internet requires prior written authorization by Fritz Kübler GmbH.
German is the original version.