8.3.3 Wire for direct current connection
The open-circuit voltage of photovoltaic array should not
exceed 1000V, or the equipment will be damaged. Measure
the open-circuit voltage of photovoltaic array with
multimeter when connecting.
The positive pole and negative pole of voltage for
photovoltaic array cannot be reverse, which can be
measured with multimeter.
Cut off the distribution breaker of direct current to assure that there
is no live wiring of direct current.
Measure the open-circuit voltage for photovoltaic array with
multimeter to assure that it cannot exceed 1000V.
Confirm the positive and negative pole with multimeter.
The positive pole of photovoltaic array is connected with “PV+” of
direct current input
The negative pole of photovoltaic array is connected with “PV-” of
direct current input.
Confirm that the wiring is firm.
8.3.4 Wire for communication connection
The communication method of RS485 bus is adopted for this machine
when PC is used for monitoring of signal or multiple grid-connected
inverters and the RJ45 terminal of terminals for inverter is the port that
is used for connection of internal 485 Bus. The monitoring can be
fulfilled when PC is connected with RS485 Bus via RS485/RS232
converter. The wiring diagram of communication system is in Figure 18.
The diagrams for RS485/RS232 converter and RJ45 terminal and 485
bus ports are in Figure 19 and 20 respectively.