7.6.6 Generated energy of that month
Interface Description
-----This month-----
Numerical value: 3000
Unit: Kwh
This interface displays generated
energy of that month. UP/DOWN button
is invalid, and ENTER is also invalid;
press ESC button to return back statistics
interface (refer to 7.6).
7.6.7 Generated energy of that year
Interface Description
-----This year-----
Numerical value: 30000
Unit: Kwh
This interface displays generated
energy of that year. UP/DOWN button is
invalid, and ENTER is also invalid; press
ESC button to return back statistics
interface (refer to 7.6).
7.6.8 Gross generation
Interface Description
Numerical value:100000
Unit: Kwh
T h i s i n t e r f a c e d i s p l a y s g r o s s
generation of the inverter. UP/DOWN
button is invalid, and ENTER is also
invalid; press ESC button to return back
statistics interface (refer to 7.6).