Pos : 44.14.1 /Ü berschriften/Ü berschriften 2/F-J/Gelenkwell e @ 0\mod_1199781879794_78.doc @ 34542
PTO shaft
Pos : 44.14.2 /BA/Ers tinbetriebnahme/Gelenkwell e/M aterialsc häden Masc h nic ht ausheben @ 6\mod_1214996593356_78.doc @ 97722
- Material Damages
Do not lift the machine until the length of the PTO shaft has been adjusted!
Pos : 44.14.3 /BA/Ers tinbetriebnahme/Gelenkwell e/Tr aktorwec hs el Gelenkwellenlänge beachten @ 6\mod_1214996938591_78.doc @ 97742
Caution! - Changing the tractor
Effect: Damage to the machine
When using the machine for the first time and whenever changing the tractor Check PTO shaft
for the correct length. If the length of the PTO shaft does not match the tractor, always observe
the chapter entitled "Adjusting the length of the PTO shaft".
Pos : 44.14.4 /Ü berschriften/Ü berschriften 3/K-O/Längenanpass ung @ 1\mod_1201687632810_78.doc @ 53589
Length adjustment
Pos : 44.14.5 /BA/Ers tinbetriebnahme/Gelenkwell e/Schwader/Läng enanpass ung Bild SW 710T _46T US @ 9\mod_1220951157271_78.doc @ 129459
Figure 7:
Pos : 44.14.6 /BA/Ers tinbetriebnahme/Gelenkwell e/Schwader/Läng enanpass ung _mit Weitwinkel traktors eitig SW38T /42T/46T U S @ 46\mod_1281962664093_78.doc @ 445665
The length of the universal shaft (1) must be adjusted. To do so, position rotary swather in the
shortest universal shaft position setting:
The universal shaft must not yet be attached on the tractor side.
Bring the machine into the transport position
Subsequently, turn the tractor’s steering to full to the left or to the right and move forward
with the attachment until the tightest curve is reached
Switch off the engine and remove the ignition key
Secure the machine and tractor against rolling
Disperse the universal shaft
Install each half (1) and (2) on the tractor and machine side respectively
Swadro 46 T:
(Make certain the "Tractor" icon inscribed on the universal shaft is actually inserted on
the tractor side.)
Swadro 38T, Swadro 42T:
(The wide angle coupling must be installed on the tractor side. Observe the marking on
the universal shaft.)
For additional operating instructions refer to the operating instructions of the universal
shaft manufacturer
Check swivel range of and clearance for the universal shaft! Damage can be caused if the
tractor or the machine touch the universal shaft (e.g. hitching device, hitching frame, lower
suspension arms)
Pos : 46 /BA/Di es e Seite is t bewusst freig elass en worden. @ 1\mod_1201783680373_78.doc @ 54443
Pos : 48.1 /Übersc hriften/Übersc hriften 1/F-J/Inbetri ebnahme @ 0\mod_1196327075811_78.doc @ 6375