Pos: 57.26 /Überschriften/Überschriften 2/F-J/Gelenkwelle @ 0\mod_1199781879794_78.docx @ 34542 @ 2 @ 1
6.4 PTO
Pos: 57.27 /Überschriften/Überschriften 3/K-O/Längenanpassung @ 1\mod_1201687632810_78.docx @ 53589 @ 2 @ 1
6.4.1 Length
Pos: 57.28 /BA/Sicherheit/7. Gefahrenhinweise alt/Mähwerke/Gefahr - Unbeabsichtigtes Abkuppeln angehängte @ 10\mod_1221811842601_78.docx @ 137877 @ @ 1
Danger! - Inadvertent uncoupling of the machine during road travel or work.
Effect: Danger to life, serious injuries or serious damage to the machine.
Use extreme caution when attaching or detaching devices to or from the tractor! The
accident prevention regulations must be complied with absolutely.
In order to prevent swivelling of the machine during transport or work, the lower suspension
arms on the tractor must be secured by limiting chains or bars. If the lower suspension
arms (1) are equipped with catch hooks, the following items must be taken into
High forces develop in the lower suspension arm bolts (3) especially in the headland position.
For this reason, the catch hooks must be in a flawless condition. Additionally, the catch hooks
must be secured in the provided locking hole (4) against unwanted opening after the machine
has been connected to the tractor.
Pos: 57.29 /BA/Erstinbetriebnahme/EasyCut/Ankuppeln Bild EC B 1000 @ 100\mod_1330080264759_78.docx @ 889634 @ @ 1
Fig. 9
Pos: 57.30 /BA/Erstinbetriebnahme/EasyCut/Ankuppeln Text EC B 1000/ B 870 @ 100\mod_1330440755657_78.docx @ 894335 @ @ 1
Attach the machine onto the lower suspension arm (1) of the tractor.
Hitch the top suspension arm (2) onto the three-point block.
Pos: 57.31 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1