Pos: 57.14 /Überschriften/Überschriften 2/A-E/Anpassung an den Traktor @ 101\mod_1330696961281_78.docx @ 899639 @ 2 @ 1
Adapting to the tractor
Pos: 57.15 /BA/Sicherheit/7. Gefahrenhinweise alt/Mähwerke/Warnung - Achslasten Beeinträchtigung der Lenkfähigkeit @ 9\mod_1220866555985_78.docx @ 128119 @ @ 1
Warning - Impairment of the steerability of the tractor.
Effect: Damage to the tractor or the machine.
The attachment of implements at the front and rear must not cause exceedance of the max.
permissible weight, of the permissible axle loads and of the carrying capacities of the tractor
tyres. Even with a fitted rear-mounted accessory unit, the front axle must always be loaded with
a minimum 20% service weight of the tractor.
Make sure that these prerequisites are met prior to driving.
Pos: 57.16 /Überschriften/Überschriften 3/K-O/Kuppelpunkte @ 9\mod_1220531326398_78.docx @ 126608 @ 3 @ 1
Clutching points
Pos: 57.17 /BA/Erstinbetriebnahme/EasyCut/Kuppelpunkte/Kuppelpunkte Bild EC B 1000 @ 97\mod_1329395172646_78.docx @ 878277 @ @ 1
Fig. 6
Pos: 57.18 /BA/Erstinbetriebnahme/EasyCut/Kuppelpunkte/Kuppelpunkte Text EasyCut Kat III und IV @ 97\mod_1329395243662_78.docx @ 878305 @ @ 1
For the EasyCut the three-point suspension is designed for Cat. III and Cat. IV.
The EasyCut is preconfigured for Cat. III as standard.
Mount ball sleeve (1) Cat. III onto lower suspension arm bolt (2).
Secure the lower suspension arm bolt using the linch pin (4) and retaining chain (5).
Conversion to Cat. IV:
Take out the lower suspension arm bolt (2), rotate it through 180° and remount it (longer pin
must face outwards).
Mount ball sleeve (3) Cat. IV onto lower suspension arm bolt (2).
Secure the lower suspension arm bolt using the linch pin (4) and retaining chain (5).
Pos: 57.19 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1