Maintenance – lubrication chart
Pos : 25.37. 5 /Ü berschrif ten/Ü berschrif ten 2/F-J/ G elenkwell e @ 0\ mod_1199781879794_78. doc @ 34542
PTO shaft
Pos : 25.37. 6 / Abkürz ungen / Abkürz ung en spr ac hneutral/ Eas yC ut/ Eas yCut 7540 / Eas yC ut 9140 Shif t @ 11\ mod_1223444696991_0. doc @ 146394
EasyCut 7540 / EasyCut 9140 Shift
Pos : 25.37. 7 / BA/ Wart ung/Mähwerke/ Eas yC ut / AM Mähwerke/ Absc hmi eren Gel enkwell e Eas yCut 100 h @ 44\ mod_1275544141265_78.doc @ 392033
Fig. 56
Lubricate the PTO shafts at the intervals indicated in the drawing with a multi-purpose grease.
Follow the operating instructions of the PTO shaft manufacturer.
Pos : 25.37. 8 / Abkürz ungen / Abkürz ung en spr ac hneutral/ Eas yC ut/ Eas yCut 9140 CV / Eas yC ut 9140 C V C ollect @ 44\ mod_1275545660375_0.doc @ 392161
EasyCut 9140 CV / EasyCut 9140 CV Collect
Pos : 25.37. 9 / BA/ Wart ung/Mähwerke/ Eas yC ut / AM Mähwerke/ Absc hmi eren Gel enkwell e Eas yCut 100 h / 250 h @ 44\ mod_1275544870187_78. doc @ 392086
Fig. 57
Lubricate the PTO shafts at the intervals indicated in the drawing with a multi-purpose grease.
Follow the operating instructions of the PTO shaft manufacturer.
Pos : 25.37. 10 / BA/-----Seitenumbr uch------ @ 0\ mod_1196175311226_0.doc @ 4165