02/2022 - 4003930810 - MA OPTISWIRL4200 R10 en
C3.1.2.3 Long Tag
Enter long measuring point identifier (1...32 digits).
Entry will be displayed in the header bar on the LC display (depending on letter size,
min. 11 digits can be displayed).
C3.1.2.4 Manufacturer ID
Manufacturer ID = 00069 (0x45) [KROHNE] (read-only)
C3.1.2.5 Device Type
Device Type = 00205 (0xCD) (read-only)
C3.1.2.6 Device ID
Individual device ID (read-only)
C3.1.2.7 Universal Revision
revision (read-only)
C3.1.2.8 Device Revision
C3.1.2.9 Software Revision
C3.1.2.10 Hardware Revision
C3.1.3 Device Information
Informative text can be added to describe the device in the HART
communication loop.
C3.1.3.1 Descriptor
Commenting text to label instrument can be added; 1…16 digits.
C3.1.3.2 Message
Here additional information can be added.
C3.1.3.3 Date
Customer-defined date can be set here.
C3.1.3.4 Cfg. Change Counter
Counter for changes in settings (read-only).
C3.1.4 HART Variables
Definition of HART
C3.1.4.1 Current Out. Meas.
Primary HART
variable; identical with current output measurement variable.
C3.1.4.2 Frequency Out.
Secondary HART
variable; identical with frequency output measurement variable. If
binary output is not activated or not configured as frequency output, the secondary
variable is selectable. The variable selection is depending on the device
C3.1.4.3 Current Input Meas.
Tertiary HART
variable; identical with current input measurement variable. If the
current input is not activated, the secondary HART
variable is selectable. The variable
selection is depending on the device configuration.
C3.1.4.4 Quaternary HART
Select (Availibility depending on fluid and medium configuration): Volume Flow / Norm.
Volume Flow / Mass Flow / Gross Power / Net Power / FAD / Volume / Norm. Volume /
Gross Energy / Net Energy / Density / Temperature1 / Temperature2 / Pressure /
Vortex Frequency / Velocity / Specific Enthalpy / Specific Heat Capacity / Reynolds
C3.1.5 Catch DV Temp.
Catch device variable allows for capturing process data from another field device in a
multidrop network.
C3.1.5.1 Capture Mode
ACK - listen to responses by a specific slave device
BACK - listen to bursts by a specific slave device
OFF - disable capture mode
C3.1.5.2 Exp. Device Type
Define expanded device type for source slave.
Enter: 000…65535
C3.1.5.3 Slave Device ID
Enter source slave address
C3.1.5.4 Capture Command
Select source command number: 1 / 2 / 3 / 9 / 33
C3.1.5.5 Slot Number
Describes slot to process in response message. Select 1…8 (depending on source
command number).
C3.1.5.6 Shed Time
Shed time for mapping.
Define: 0…max.
C3.1.6 Catch DV Pressure
Same options as C3.1.5.
Table 6-31: Menu description C3
Setting / Description
C3 Communication