02/2022 - 4003930810 - MA OPTISWIRL4200 R10 en
A11 Application Assistant
The factory settings of the vortex flowmeter have been made in accordance with the order
specifications. Nonetheless it can be necessary to make additional settings for the use of some
functionalities. For an easy operation the device is equipped with an application assistant for
each type of application. The application assistant guides the operator through the configuration
of the flowmeter.
The application assistant starts with the definition of all basic units. Afterwards, the
functionality-specific parameters have to be set. Settings such as configurations of the outputs
or the totaliser functions, can require submenus. These can be entered by pressing the arrow
" key. In case they are not needed, the menu items can be skipped by pressing the enter "
To perform the settings for the application assistant, the operator must be logged on the access
level "Expert". For further information refer to
Security and permissions on page 61.
To abort an application assistant sequence, press "
" and "
" at the same time. Be sure to
select "Save Config.? No" when returning to measuring mode.
Please select a suitable application assistant from the following options:
A11.1 Liquids
Configuration for liquid applications, incl. the correspondent output and totalizer.
A11.2 Saturated Steam
Configuration for saturated steam applications and density compensation by external
or internal temperature transmitter.
A11.3 Superheated Steam
Configuration of superheated steam applications and definition of temperature and
pressure value sources.
A11.4 Heat Measurement
Configuration of gross and net heat applications and definition of temperature and/or
pressure value sources.
A11.5 Gas
Configuration of gas applications with optionally internal or external pressure and
temperature sources for the density compensation.
A11.6 FAD
Configuration of FAD (Free Air Delivery) applications for compressors.
Table 6-21: A11.1 Application Assistant - general options