04/2012 www.krohne.com
Do not expose the sensor unit to intensive vibrations. Support of the flow sensor is only allowed
at the in- and outlet sections near the flow meter.
Gas inclusion
To avoid measuring errors due to gas inclusion, if necessary adequate measures have to be
taken to reduce. Gas inclusion shall be limited to the lowest possible value. Gas content shall be
< 1% according OIML R117 for accurate measuring.
Particle inclusion
To avoid measuring errors due to particle inclusion, adequate measures have to be taken.
Particle inclusion shall be limited to the lowest possible value. Particle content shall be < 1%
for accurate measurement.
Inlet and outlet sections
For functioning within stated accuracy the flow sensor has to be installed with specified inlet
and outlet sections. The inner diameter of these sections must be equal to the inner diameter of
the flanges of the flow sensor. Correct gaskets shall be used. If inlet and outlet sections are
ordered they will be used during the calibration and must be installed identically in the final
inlet configurations (upstream):
straight inlet section, length 20 D
straight inlet section, length 10 D with flow conditioner / straightening vane
outlet configuration (downstream):
straight outlet section, length 5 D
D = nominal diameter of the flow sensor
Pipe flanges
Pipe flange spacing
Refer to dimensional drawings for flange spacing and in addition allow for thickness of gaskets.
Install the flow sensor carefully in line with the inlet and outlet sections axis.
Pipe flange faces must be parallel to each other, with a maximum permissible deviation of L
0.5 mm (0.02”).
Ultrasonic Flow Converter UFC-V
The converter electronics are mounted in an EEx-d certified casted aluminum explosion proof
housing. It contains 3 to 5 ultrasonic flow converters of type UFC 500 / UFC 030. It can also
contain a heating device which functions in case of low ambient temperatures. The units inside