Stand Mai 2019
Seite 3
Krick Modelltechnik Knittlingen
The Construction of the Model
Stage 0, Boat Stand, Parts 0.1 - 0.3
Fig. individual parts of the stand
Glue the boat stand together from parts 0.1 - 0.3.
Grind all edges with sandpaper so that the burn-off
residue is removed from the laser.
Fig. stand glued together
Stage 1, Preparation for Hull,
Parts 1.1 to 1.32
Cut off the edge of the hull 1.1 at the marking. A
strong pair of scissors, e.g. a pair of Lexan scissors
(Krick No. 455533), is suitable for this purpose.
Only roughly straighten and grind over the cutting
edge, as the exact finish will be done later. Drill a 4
mm hole in the stern of the hull for the 1.4 rudder
tube. Also drill the 6 mm hole for the sterntube
Now make the rudder heel from parts 1.2 and 1.3.
Fig. parts 1.2 and 1.3 for rudder heel
Glue the 3 parts 1.2 together to form a block.
At the end of the keel, a rectangular opening for
the rudder heel is first drilled and then filed.
Fig. rudder heel inserted in hull
Push the rudder heel into the hull from the outside
and glue it from inside.
Now glue on the two fairings 1.3.
Fig. gluing on the fairings
Fill the remaining gap and sand.
Fig. rudder heel fillered
Insert the rudder tube 1.4 into the hull with the
flange downwards so that the distance to the up-
per edge of the hull is 50 mm. Do not glue the tube
into the hull yet. Now slide the sealing ring 1.8
onto the shaft of the rudder 1.7 and push the rud-
der across behind the rudder heel into the rudder
tube 1.4. Mark the length of the rudder axle above
the rudder tube so that you can see where the