Krell Home Theater Standard 7.1
Open the box and remove the top layer of foam. You see these
1 Home Theater Standard 7.1
1 IEC connector (AC power) cord
1 Home Theater Standard 7.1 handheld remote control
1 CR2025 lithium battery
1 T-15 Torx wrench (small L type)
1 T-10 Torx wrench (small L type)
1 12 VDC output (12 V trigger) cable
1 packet containing the owner’s reference manual, the “read this
first” insert, and the warranty registration card.
Carefully remove the unit and accessories from the box. Remove the
foam end caps and protective plastic wrap from the unit.
If any of these items are not included in the shipping box, please contact
your authorized Krell dealer, distributor, or Krell for assistance. Save all
packing materials. If you must ship your Home Theater Standard in the
future, repack the unit in its original packaging to prevent damage in transit.
See Return Authorization Procedure, on page 79.