The fastest way to get started is to take your time and do everything right the first time. Taking 15 minutes to
read the manual may save you a few hours later. You don’t even have to read the whole manual. If a section
doesn’t apply to you, you don’t have to spend your time reading it.
The items contained in your Kramer Black Burst Generator package are listed below. Please save the original
box and packaging materials for possible future shipment.
The SG-6005 Machine
Kramer Concise Product Catalog
Power cord
This User Manual
Null Modem Adapter
Rubber Feet
Optional Windows 95/98 ™ control software (may be downloaded from Kramer’s
Optional Accessories
The following accessories, which are available from Kramer, can enhance implementation of your distributor.
For information regarding cables and additional accessories, contact your Kramer dealer.
VM-1010 - a high performance distribution amplifier for composite video signals on BNC connectors.
Using a simple front panel switch, it can be configured either as a single 1:10 DA, or as two separate
1:5s. In either mode its purpose is to provide identical outputs to drive multiple monitors, projectors or
other receiving devices. The looping connectors located adjacent to each input may be used as an
additional output in some cases, and can make it easy to create larger systems. Rear panel switches
allow the user to select DC or AC output coupling for maximum flexibility. The
VM-1010 is housed in
a rugged, professional rack mountable enclosure with an internal power supply allowing the use of a
standard, detachable power cord.
VM-1110 - a high performance distribution amplifier for balanced audio signals using XLR connectors.
Using a simple front panel switch, it can be configured as a 1:10 for mono signals, or as a 1:5 for stereo
signals. In either mode, its purpose is to accept a single input and provide identical outputs for a wide
variety of studio and live applications. State-of-the-art Bi-Fet amplifying circuitry, and a high power
discrete buffering system make the
VM-1110 an excellent performer. All circuitry is active with no
transformers, thus ensuring hum-free, full bandwidth operation. It is rugged, dependable, and is housed
in a professional rack mountable enclosure requiring one vertical space in a standard 19” rack.
VM-1411 - an exceptionally high performance distribution amplifier for composite video and balanced
audio signals. Using front panel controls, the video and audio sections can be independently configured
as a single channel 1:10, or as a two channel 1:5. In either mode its purpose is to provide identical
outputs to drive multiple monitors, projectors, audio power amps, mixers or other receiving devices.
Looping connectors located adjacent to each input may be used as additional outputs in some cases, and
can making it easy to create larger systems. Rear panel switches are provided to set coupling and
termination, and recessed front panel controls allow the user to set optimum video and audio output
levels. The
VM-1411 is rugged, dependable, and is housed in a professional 19” rack mountable
enclosure requiring one vertical space in a standard rack.
VIDEO TESTER - A unique, patented, indispensable tool for the video professional, the Video Tester
is used to test a video path leading to/from an amplifier. By pressing only one touch switch it can trace
missing signals, distinguish between good and jittery (VCR sourced) signals, and identify the presence
of good signals. Whenever a video signal is missing, because of bad connections, cable breaks or
faulty sources, the Video Tester is all you need.