Load to Demo Song
This command converts the TRITON/TRITONpro/TRI-
TONproX .SNG file selected in the directory window (1.1–
1b) into demo data, and loads it into internal memory.
When a .SNG file is converted into demo song, the
.SNG file is first loaded as multi data and then con-
verted, meaning that the multi data will be overwritten.
If you wish to keep the multi data, use the Disk mode
Utility “Save Multi” (1.1–2a) to save it on external
Execution of the “Load to Demo data” command uses
the memory area occupied by the drum kits and user
arpeggio patterns. The data in the drum kit and user
arpeggio pattern memory area will be cleared, and then
reloaded from internal memory after the command is
executed. (
BG p.39 “About Global mode memory”)
If you wish to keep the drum kits and user arpeggio
patterns that you edited, use the Utility in Global mode
GLOBAL 5.1: DKit (
BAL 6.1: Arp. Pattern (
you execute the “Load to Demo data” command.
As an alternative method to “Load to Demo Song,” you
can also load demo data using the utility “Make Demo
Song” (
p.139 DEMO/SNG 1.1–1d). With this method,
you can load a TRITON/TRITONpro/TRITONproX
.SNG file into Multi mode by checking “Load track
events?” in “Load .SNG” etc., and execute the DEMO/
SNG page utility “Make Demo Song” to convert it into
a demo song.
By using this method, you can delete songs within a
.SNG file loaded in Multi mode, change the order of the
songs etc., edit song parameters such as the song name,
and edit track parameters such as the program num-
ber/bank on the TRITON-Rack, and finally convert the
data into a demo song.
The internal demo data memory has a capacity of
975,186 bytes. When you use “Load to Demo Song” or
“Make Demo Song” to load a TRITON/TRITONpro/
TRITONproX as demo data, data equal to the number
of songs
678 bytes (track and effect settings) plus the
events converted into SMF data format will be loaded
into the internal demo data memory. At this time, the
pattern events of the .SNG will be loaded in expanded
form, meaning that if the song makes frequent use of
patterns, the loaded size will be larger than the size of
the .SNG file. In this way, there may be cases in which
the data cannot be loaded even though the size of the
.SNG file is less than the size of internal demo data
memory. The size of the events loaded in SMF data for-
mat is the same as the size of the file created when the
Disk mode Utility “Save to Std MIDI File” is executed
with Format0 on the TRITON/TRITONpro/TRITON-
The “SOLO ON/OFF” and “Track Play Loop -related
parameters” in a TRITON/TRITONpro/TRITONproX
song will be ignored.
About AKAI Program files
The TRITON-Rack will load only the key-map related
parameters from the Program file.
AKAI format uses the concept of “key groups.” For each
key zone, up to four samples can be assigned, and these
four can be switched or crossfaded by velocity. Key zones
can also be crossfaded.
On the TRITON-Rack, in contrast, there is one sample for
each key zone, and you can use up to four multisamples to
create a key map in the order of the velocity of each key
group. It is not possible to crossfade key zones.
An AKAI format Program file “TESTPROGRAM” consists
of four key groups, and each key group consists of up to
three velocity zones. Key groups 1 and 2 are a layer whose
low range is the same. When this is loaded into the TRI-
TON-Rack, three multisamples will be created, collected
by velocity zone, and the numerals 1, 2, and 3 will be
appended to each multisample name. At this time, the top
key will be determined by the bottom key of the sample
that is assigned at the right, and if the bottom key is the
same (key groups 1 and 2 in the diagram), the higher-num-
bered key group will be used.
Program file
TRITON–Rack Multisample
Key Group 1 Zone 1
Key Group 1 Zone 2
Key Group 2 Zone 1
Key Group 2 Zone 2
Key Group 3 Zone 1
Key Group 3 Zone 2
Key Group 3 Zone 3
Key Group 4 Zone 1
Key Group 4 Zone 2
Key Group 3 Zone 3
Key Group 2 Zone 1
Key Group 3 Zone 1
Key Group 4 Zone 1
Key Group 2 Zone 2
Key Group 3 Zone 2
Key Group 4 Zone 2