6. Joystic check
6-1. JOYSTI CH X axis
"| " almost in the center of the operating r ange of the X
axis is displayed on the LCD display when the lever is
moved.(see right figure)
Please perfor m the following checks, making sure that the "| " in the direction in which you
operate the lever is moved.
Confir m that JOY moves smoothly while doing the following all check.
Check displaying “o” r ight side when JOYSTI C is moved
to a right edge
(see right figure)
Check displaying “o” right side when JOYSTI C is moved to
a left edge.
(see right figure)
Check displaying “o” center when JOYSTI C is return to
the center.
(see right figure)
Confir m that movement is smooth moves smoothly while moving JOYSTI C up and down and
right and left.
One rotation is made by right turning with it finished to knock down JOYSTI C.
One rotation is made by left turning with it finished to knock down JOYSTI C.
Release JOYSTI C after knocking down to the left end, and it returns it to the center by the
power of the spring.
Check displaying “o” center.
Confir m that [OCTAVE DOWN] L ED lights.
Push [OCTAVE DOWN] and start next check.
(note1) When objects other than the inspection object are oper ated, LED blinks.
It is possible to retry it by pushing [SHIFT/EXI T] button.
6--2. JOYSTI CH Y axis
"| " almost in the center of the oper ating range of the Y
axis is displayed on the LCD display when the lever is
moved.(see right figure)
note) If Joystic is pressed upwar d, "| " moves to the right.
If it is pressed downwor d, “| ” moves to the left.
Please perfor m the following checks, making sure that the "| " in the direction in which you
operate the lever is moved.
Confir m that JOY moves smoothly while doing the following all check.
Check displaying “o” right side when JOYSTIC is