RE10A Electric temperature regulator
The RE10A electric temperature regulator with drying programme and integrated mains plug (hereinafter
referred to only as the “regulator”) is used for switching of an electric heat source depending on the spatial air
temperature in the room.
The regulator is above all designed for switching of electric heating elements, supplied by KORADO a.s. for
combined heating (water – electricity), fitted into KORALUX and RADIK COMBI VK radiators or for switching of
KORALUX-E towel rail radiators with electric heating.
The regulator is controlled by a microprocessor, which guarantees intelligent operation of the electric
heating elements. It is equipped with a mains switch, drying programme, spatial temperature regulator and
protective switching relay, which limits switching more frequently than once every 5 seconds. In the event of a
mains power cut, all the functions, which were in operation at the moment of the power cut, are automatically
renewed once the regulator is switched on again, including the drying programme.
The electric regulator contributes to your safety. In the event of any defect to the electrical feed, which
manifests itself in a drop in voltage to the appliance, the heater is automatically disconnected from the power
source and the regulator indicates a defect.
Professional inspection of the mains socket into which the regulator will be connected must be performed
before installation of the regulator. Inspection of the mains socket and
fitting of the regulator may only be
performed by a person with the pertinent professional electrical qualifications pursuant to Decree no.
50/78 Coll.
When fitting is performed outside of the Czech Republic, the corresponding national regulations
must be adhered to.
The regulator must always be positioned in a vertical position
in the socket in such a way that the cable
outlet from the regulator always projects downwards (see Fig. 2). No other operating position is permissible.
The RE10A electric temperature
regulator must not be located in bathrooms in zones 0, 1 and 2
(according to ÈSN 33 2000-7-701) (see Fig. 1 in these instructions). The mains connection socket into which the
regulator will be connected must meet the prescribed safety norms valid in the country in question and must be
permanently accessible (to facilitate disconnection of the electric heating element from the mains).
During handling and fitting, the regulator must be protected against shocks, in order to avoid mechanical
It is forbidden to connect and use a damage regulator.
Fig. 2
After removing the regulator cover (see Fig. 3) the connection block is accessible with U, N and , markings to
which the conductors of the power supply cable for the appliance (electric heating element) are connected (see
Fig. 4) and the supply cable is fixed in the strain relief clamp.
Designation of the connection terminals
U -
live conductor
(black or brown)
zero conductor
guard conductor
Heating mode
The connected electrical appliance is set into operation by connecting the plug to the 230V/50Hz socket and
switching on the switch marked with the symbol, which is located on the regulator. The control dial on the
regulator is used to set the required temperature in the room. The lowest temperature is set in the position
Operating position of the regulator