The uEFI Shell
ID 1053-6161, Rev. 3.0
Page 55
D R A F T — F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y
KOMaOEMF rev.:
Revision of KOMaOEMF protocol
Board ID:
Kontron board identification value
Hardware rev.:
Hardware revision of this board
Logic rev.:
Logic revision of this board
Boot flash:
Current boot flash: either “Standard SPI
boot flash” or “Recovery SPI boot flash”
In system slot:
Indicates whether the board is installed in the
system slot.
Geographic Address:
Geographic address of the cPCI backplane
slot the board is currently plugged into
Material number:
Kontron hardware reference number
Hardware index:
Kontron hardware index
Serial number:
This board’s unique serial number
EFI article name:
Kontron uEFI reference name
EFI material number:
Kontron uEFI reference number
EFI index:
Version of this uEFI BIOS
EFI build time:
Build time of this uEFI BIOS
EFI build date:
Build date of this uEFI BIOS
CPU rev.:
Chip revision of the CPU
Chipset rev.:
Chip revision of the Chipset
Currently loaded microcode
CPU Branding:
CPU identification string
RIO Module:
RIO module present / not present
ME firmware rev:
Intel® Management Engine (ME) firmware
VBIOS rev.:
Video BIOS revision
kboardinfo (continued)