11. AMI BIOS Configuration
PCI-960 – User’s Manual (V1.02)
Reserved Memory Size
This option allows you to specify the memory size for the ISA extension cards (only to be used if the ISA-Bridge is
equipped on the backplane).
Available settings are: 16k, 32k, 64k and
If this option is enabled to 16k, 32k or 64k a supplementary option is available:
Reserved Memory Address
Reserved Memory Address
This option allows you to specify the memory size for the ISA extension cards in the reserved memory address.
Available settings are: C0000, C4000, C8000, CC000, D0000, D4000, D8000 and DC000.
For a proper ISA card installation, set the same values of the BIOS options “Reserved Memory Size”
and “Reserved Memory Address” like on the OS level and/or driver level (depending on the installed
ISA card).