Chapter 2 Basic Operations
For use of thin vellum / tracing paper and film in D/A1 portrait or E/A0, press the lever down.
In most sizes / types, the lever should remain up.
Lever UP: most size, type
Lever DOWN: Large Tracing, Vellum, Film
Please contact your local dealer for other outer devices (Scanner, Auto Stacker, Folder, etc).
See the device’s documents if you use one. That might include additional information for
usage / notice of the printer.
(1) Do not leave ejected prints with been displaced.
Doing so may prevent the subsequent prints from being stacked correctly until you
remove all the prints stacked on Print Tray. Or this may cause a paper jam.
(2) Do not place any object except for the ejected prints from the printer on the tray.
: all prints stacked as ejected
: all stacked prints displaced
: part of stacked prints displaced