background image

A u t o m a t i c 
Very low
M e d i u m -


In the fan mode, the auto-

matic fan speed cannot be chosen.

Dehumidification Function

For the dehumidification mode, press 


until you see   on the remote control dis-

play. In order to increase the air quality, you 

may make the high level of humidity away 

from the environment without significantly 

decreasing the temperature. 

After selecting the dehumidification func-

tion, with   and   buttons, you may ad-

just the environment temperature between 

18–30ºC according to your comfort need.

During the dehumidification operation;

– Fan operates in automatic mode and 

the speed cannot be altered.

– When the dehumidification function 

is active, the Turbo function does not 


– Positions of horizontal and vertical fins 

can be changed. 

Turbo Function

You can use the turbo mode with 


in order to achieve the temperature you 

like from your air conditioner in the short-


•  When the automatic mode is enabled, 

the 24°C temperature value is shown 

on the indoor unit display.

•  In this mode, you may increase or de-

crease the target temperature value 

for cooling or heating by 2°C.  You 

can use   and   to change the tem-

perature value.


When you turn the air con-

ditioner on with the on/off button on the 

indoor unit, the air conditioner starts to 

operate in the automatic mode. 

Fan Function

When the air conditioner is in the fan 

mode, it circulates the air in the room with-

out changing the room temperature.

1. Turn your air conditioner on with   but-


2. Press the   button until you see the 

 icon on the display.

3. You may choose the desired fan speed 

by pressing the   button.

4. You can select the desired temperature 

value as well as horizontal and vertical fin 



When the fan function is 

active, your air conditioner's compressor 

does not operate.

Indoor Unit Fan Speed Adjustment

You may adjust the air flow speed by press-

ing the fan button on the remote control. 

There are 6 different speed level for the 

fan speed.

Adjustable speed levels:


Summary of Contents for KL09V1F


Page 2: ...u dostupne na web adresi www koncar ka hr Ova kombinacija simbola i rije i ozna ava potencijalno opasnu situaciju koja mo e rezultirati ozbiljnim ozljedama osoba o te enjem imovine opasnosti po okoli...

Page 3: ...ijavite na jedno od servisnih mjesta jer u suprotnom mo e do i do ve eg o te enja aparata za to proizvo a ne e preuzeti nikakvu odgovornost Pri podno enju reklamacije dr ite se teksta Jamstvenog Lista...

Page 4: ...zvoda Na taj na in e se sprije iti potencijalne opasnosti po zdravlje kao i opasnosti po okoli OPREZ Ako baterija sadr i olovo tada simbol ima posebnu oznaku Pb za baterije ZA TITA OKOLI A Popratna do...

Page 5: ...eksplozija elekri nog udara o te enja imovine opasnosti po okoli ozljedama osoba s ozbiljnim ili tragi nim smrtnim posljedicama Monta u i ugradnju klima ure aja mogu izvoditi samo ovla tene i registr...

Page 6: ...dura provjere zanemari moglo bi do i do elektri nog udara i o te enja aparata POZORNOST Aparat se treba montirati i instalirati u skladu s uputama a od strane ovla tene i registrirane tvrtke te ovla t...

Page 7: ...plinova POZORNOST Kako bi se izbjegla prevelika buka nastala od vibracija aparata potrebno je dobro i sigurno u vr enje aparata na nosa e Aparat treba ugraditi na mjesto gdje ne e remetiti mir Va ih...

Page 8: ...o na du e vrijeme direktno u struju hladnog zraka Ovo mo e dovesti do problema sa zdravljem Ne izlazite naglo iz hladne prostorije na vanjski vru i zrak Ne sni avajte previ e temperaturu u prostoriji...

Page 9: ...preporu ljivo priklju ivanje tro ila velike snage u isti strujni krug sa klima ure ajem jer bi se vodovi mogli preopteretiti Aparat se ne smije priklju ivati na vanjski timer ili odvojeni daljinski up...

Page 10: ...vod O te eni priklju ni vod mora biti zamijenjen ispravnim a smije ga zamijeniti jedino stru na osoba ili serviser Nestru no priklju enje i popravci mogu uzrokovati elektri ni udar i tjelesne ozljede...

Page 11: i dobro provjetravajte prostor te kontaktirajte ovla teni servis Nije dozvoljeno stavljati grijalice u blizini klima ure aja i elektri nih vodova jer visoka temperatura mo e o tetiti priklju ni vod...

Page 12: ...sti ni dijelovi ili mo e do i do elektri nog udara Kako bi se sprije io elektri ni udar ili po ar unutarnja jedinica se mora odr avati suhom Zra ni filtri se mogu umetnuti nakon to se potpuno osu e a...

Page 13: ...zi a u skladu s propisima Vanjska jedinica je namjenjena i izvedena za rad izvan zgrade ODABIR MJESTA ZA MONTA U UNUTRA NJE JEDINICE U blizini klima ure aja ne smije biti izvora pare ili topline Ne sm...

Page 14: po kojima bi se trebale montirati vanjska i unutarnja jedinica klima ure aja min 300mm min 125mm min 300mm min 300mm min 600mm min 600mm min 300mm VANJSKA jedinica mora biti montirana ispod nivoa u...

Page 15: ...Priklju na kutija vanjske jedinice 1 Poklopac priklju ne kutije 2 Priklju ne stezaljke 3 Uzemljenje za titni vod 4 Nosa 5 Priklju ni vod 6 Naprava za rastere enje kabela Shematski prikaz procesa hla e...

Page 16: ...sun evom svjetlu vatri vru ini itd Nije dozvoljeno mehani ko o te ivanje baterija Ne koristite svje e baterije zajedno s istro enim baterijama ve mijenjajte itavi komplet Zamjenite istro ene baterije...

Page 17: max 46 Nazivni u inak Hla enje Grijanje Radna struja nazivna Hla enje Grijanje Hla enje Grijanje Hla enje Grijanje Hla enje Grijanje Energetska u inkovitost po sezoni Energetski razred po sezoni Di...

Page 18: ...1 2 3 3 2 1 4 5 24 1 Ulazni kanal za zrak 2 Pokaziva display 3 Izlazni kanal za zrak 4 Prednji dio ku i ta 5 Horizontalni usmjeriva Pokaziva temperature display mo e biti i skriven to ovisi o modelu...

Page 19: ...mbol otklona hor usmjeriva a 13 Tipka za uklju enje isklju enje 14 Tipka za pove anje temperature 15 Tipka za brzinu ventilatora 16 Tipka ionizatora X 17 Tipka za Eco mod 18 Tipka za samo i enje 19 Ti...

Page 20: je znak kako nema komunikacije izme u jedinice i upravlja a pa je potrebno pribli iti se jedinici i usmjeriti upravlja prema istoj te poku ati ponovo Zvu ni signal je najbolje ostaviti uklju enim v...

Page 21: ...abire se eljeni na in rada Svaki put kada se pritisne tipka MOD uklju i se slijede i drugi na in rada i prika e na zaslonu a kada je eljeni mod prikazan otpustimo tipku Klima ure aj e zapo eti radom u...

Page 22: ...energije u modu hla enja ili grijanja Vrijednosti temperature koja se pode ava daljinskim upravlja em je ograni ena na najpovoljniji interval za ugodno stanje okoline prostorije Automatski mod U ovom...

Page 23: ...povoljnija za boravak Ionizator proizvodi negativne ione koji se raspr uju sa zrakom koji izlazi iz unutarnje jedinice Funkcija isklju enja zvu nog signala Pomo u te tipke mogu e je uklju iti isklju i...

Page 24: ...eniti ECO FUNKCIJA mod u tede energije Odabirom funkcije Eco pritiskom na tipku mogu e je smanjiti potro nju energije do 30 bilo u modu hla enja ili grijanja Eco funkcija automatski ograni ava tempera...

Page 25: ...enja ili grijanja u intervalu od 2 C pomo u tipki i NAPOMENA Ako se klima ure aj uklju uje pomo u tipke na unutarnjoj jedinici ne preko daljinskog upravlja a tada aparat zapo inje radom u automatskom...

Page 26: ...u modu grijanja tada e smanjiti temperaturu za 1 C nakon 1 sata te za jo 2 C nakon drugog sata Mod spavanja e zavr iti nakon jo 6 sati rada pri toj temperaturi Nakon to se mod spavanja okon a klima u...

Page 27: ...ti koliki smo vremenski period postavili pritisnimo tipku jedanput Ako se tipka pritisne u trajanju od 2 sekunde odbrojavanje se prekida Postavljanje vremena za automatsko isklju enje Pritisnuti tipku...

Page 28: ...iz daljinskog upravlja a prihva ena u unutra njoj jedinici i kako e se izvr iti Ako se tipka pritisne i dr i 2 sekunde signal je isklju en Ponovni pritisak na tipku i njeno dr anje 2 sekunde signal s...

Page 29: ...otrebno uklju iti dodatnu grijalicu prostora Klima ure aj cirkulira zrak unutar prostorije ali je potrebno odre eno vrijeme kako bi se prostorija potpuno zagrijala rashladila Mogu e je pretprogramirat...

Page 30: ...ako nebi bilo nikakvih zapreka glede cirkulacije zraka kroz zra ne otvore za ulaz i izlaz zraka Ne pode avajte temperaturu hla enja prenisko jer to pove ava potro nju energije kao i osje aj nelagode R...

Page 31: mjere mogu se izmjenjivati svaka 3 mjeseca jer se vremenom istro e Takvi posebni filteri su potro ni materijal i potrebno ih je kupiti te nisu pokriveni jamstvom Kako bi klima ure aj funkcionirao p...

Page 32: ...elektri nom energijom prekida ili osigura u krugu klima ure aja treba uklju iti prekida je isklju en ili osigura izva en promjenite osigura ili ga uklju ite pregorio osigura ili je isklju en promjenit...

Page 33: ...rije ilo zra na struja e zapo eti nakon to se uspostavi potrebna temperatura Ovo je normalna pojava pravilno podesite temperaturu prema potrebi pogre no odabrana temperatura prljavi zra ni filtri ili...

Page 34: ...Odle ivanje sloja leda koji se nakupio na vanjskoj jedinici Klima ure aj e nakon odle ivanja nastaviti s radom u modu grijanja Ure aj NE isklju ivati tijekom ove operacije Potrebno je napraviti kontr...

Page 35: ...6 2 A kWh god 141 kW 2 0 3 80 A kW 0 0 2 0 kWh god 737 dB A 50 60 L R410A kgCO2 eq 2088 GWP EN 14825 EN14511 2011 Istjecanje rashladnih sredstava uzrokuje klimatske promjene Ako se rashladno sredstvo...

Page 36: ...4 A kWh god 191 kW 3 0 3 80 A kW 0 4 2 6 kWh god 1105 dB A 50 61 L R410A kgCO2 eq 2088 GWP EN 14825 EN14511 2011 Istjecanje rashladnih sredstava uzrokuje klimatske promjene Ako se rashladno sredstvo...

Page 37: ...5 A kWh god 280 kW 4 5 3 80 A kW 0 2 3 8 kWh god 1658 dB A 55 63 L R410A kgCO2 eq 2088 GWP EN 14825 EN14511 2011 Istjecanje rashladnih sredstava uzrokuje klimatske promjene Ako se rashladno sredstvo...

Page 38: ...ntenance procedures We hope you enjoy using your air conditioner Important Information on Safety The operating manual includes important information about the initial use safety intended use cleaning...

Page 39: ...rcuit 12 Heating Circuit 12 Power Connections of Indoor and Outdoor Units 14 Batteries 15 Liability Limitation 15 Technical Values 16 KL09V1F Technical Values 17 KL12V1F Technical Values 18 KL18V1F Te...

Page 40: ...zer Function 30 Signal Sound Cancellation Function 30 Child Lock 30 Temperature Unit Selection Function 30 Practical and Useful Information 30 Cleaning and Maintenance 32 Suggestions for Operation 32...

Page 41: ...g WARNING In the event that your air conditioner is connect 5 ed permanently to a fixed har ness system and has a leakage current that may exceed 10 mA a leakage preventer relay with an operating curr...

Page 42: ...put any obstacles in front of the outdoor unit and do not cover WARNING Do not insert any thing between the fins of air flow router The indoor unit fan may get damaged and cause injuries WARNING In or...

Page 43: ...pose may cause dangerous situations and renders the warranty void Dam ages occurred due to these con ditions are compensated by the user Use your air conditioner only according to the intended use def...

Page 44: of the air conditioner are visibly damaged If the air conditioner is wet has dropped into water or any other liquid exposed to water flooding incident its electrical components have come into c...

Page 45: ...ated from these devices may melt the plastic parts of the air condi tioner Do not touch or run the air conditioner with wet or moist hands If the air conditioner will not be used for a long time dis c...

Page 46: ...o Installation In structions displaced and re mounted at a new location contact the authorised service Safety Information to be Considered when Perform ing Cleaning and Mainte nance Procedures To prev...

Page 47: Position Indoor Unit There should not be any va pour or heat source near the air conditioner There should not be any ob stacle preventing air circula tion at the mounting posi tion Air circulation...


Page 49: ...w should be applied in the installation of indoor and outdoor units Minimum 300 millimetres Minimum 125 millimetres Minimum 600 millimetres Minimum 300 millimetres Minimum 600 millimetres Minimum 300...

Page 50: ...nits Indoor and outdoor unit connection chart Outdoor unit wiring image 1 Lid 2 Terminal panel 3 Earth wire 4 Panel 5 Patch cable 6 Wiring set screw 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D Indoor Unit Outdoor U...

Page 51: ...the latest information on your air conditioner its op erating and maintaining The manufacturing firm shall not bear any responsibility for any possible damages and injuries due to non compliance with...

Page 52: ...ct label or other documents re lated to the product are obtained in the laboratory environment ac cording to respective standards and they may change depending on the use of the product and indoor out...

Page 53: ...oling A 3 8 Heating A 4 1 Design Load Cooling kW 2 5 Heating kW 2 0 Seasonal Energy Efficiency SEER Cooling 6 2 SCOP Heating 3 8 Seasonal Energy Class Cooling Heating A A Refrigerant R410A Power sourc...

Page 54: ...Cooling A 6 1 Heating A 6 0 Design Load Cooling kW 3 5 Heating kW 3 0 Seasonal Energy Efficiency SEER Cooling 6 4 SCOP Heating 6 4 Seasonal Energy Class Cooling Heating A A Refrigerant R410A Power sou...

Page 55: ...ooling A 8 4 Heating A 8 7 Design Load Cooling kW 5 2 Heating kW 4 5 Seasonal Energy Efficiency SEER Cooling 6 5 SCOP Heating 3 8 Seasonal Energy Class Cooling Heating A A Refrigerant R410A Power sour...

Page 56: ...Indoor Unit Indoor Unit Display Outdoor Unit 1 2 3 1 Air inlet 2 Air outlet 3 Indoor unit attachment points 1 Air inlet 2 Display 3 Air outlet 4 Front casing 5 Horizontal fin 3 2 1 4 5 24 24 24 Tempe...

Page 57: ...llation indicator On off button Increase temperature button Fan speed adjustment button Ionizer button Eco mode button Self cleaning button Turbo mode button Fan speed indicator Eco mode indicator Fah...

Page 58: ...conditioner There should not be any obstacle be tween the remote and the receiver Do not drop or throw the remote con trol If you do not hear a signal beeping sound when you press the remote but tons...

Page 59: Every time you press the mode button the next mode on the menu will be listed When the desired mode is displayed release the mode button The last displayed mode will be selected and the air conditi...

Page 60: ...ditioner deter mines its operating mode according to the environment conditions Depending on the temperature it performs dehumidifica tion cooling or heating Horizontal Fin Direction Function You can...

Page 61: ...ditioner to cool the environment down To turn your air conditioner on press the button Your air conditioner will start running again in the mode you selected last Press until symbol at the display scr...

Page 62: ...unction is active the air conditioner s capacity may fall Horizontal Fin Function You can adjust the direction of the air blown out by the indoor unit of your air conditioner vertically by pressing th...

Page 63: in the short changed When the automatic mode is enabled the 24 C temperature value is shown on the indoor unit display In this mode you may increase or de crease the target temperature value for co...

Page 64: ...for the air conditioner to turn off if it is on or to turn est time possible Your air conditioner will return to the last selected mode after it runs at the highest speed for 30 minutes In order to st...

Page 65: ...conditioner and remote control are off will appear on the display of the remote control Each time you press the time that will start from 00 30 will increase at 30 minute increments If you press and h...

Page 66: ...unning If there is a sunblind or curtain keep them shut Adjusting the direction of vertical and horizontal fins ensure tempera WARNING When the function is active do not try to turn the fin on the air...

Page 67: ...fore you use the room While the air conditioner operates in the heating mode if the outdo or environment temperature is low and the humidity rate is high it may lead to an icing on the outdoor unit re...

Page 68: ...over by holding on its sides Lift the dust filters up from their bot tom edges and pull downwards Vacuum the dust filters with a vacu um cleaner If the filters are too dirty wash them with warm water...

Page 69: ...e drops or increases occur while your air conditioner is running the appliance will stop you may see the voltage protection icon on the display by the code of HL and start running again as the volta g...

Page 70: ...e time set to start running has not been reached Wait or cancel the setting The remote control is not detecting Change the batteries Light source is too close to the air condi tioner Some light source...

Page 71: ...conditioner and it is not a failure The air conditioner is blowing air but it does not cool Air inlet or outlet of the air conditioner is blocked Clean the materials that cause blocking and restart th...

Page 72: ...the defrosting operation is accomplished your air conditioner will continue to operate in the heating mode the product should not be turned off while this mode is enabled AE Make the arc control for y...

Page 73: potential GWP 2088 kgCO2 eq Compliant standard EN14511 2011 Calculation methods Measurement standards EN 14825 Leakage of refrigerant causes climate change When refrigerants with low GWP are relea...

Page 74: potential GWP 2088 kgCO2 eq Compliant standard EN14511 2011 Calculation methods Measurement standards EN 14825 Leakage of refrigerant causes climate change When refrigerants with low GWP are relea...

Page 75: potential GWP 2088 kgCO2 eq Compliant standard EN14511 2011 Calculation methods Measurement standards EN 14825 Leakage of refrigerant causes climate change When refrigerants with low GWP are relea...

Page 76: ...ackage Information Do not disassemble the air conditioner by yourself Disassembling the system and operations on the refrigerant oil or other components shall be performed by the Authorised Service in...

Page 77: ...est tempera ture setting all the time Clean up the dust filters of your air conditioner at regular intervals Since blockage of filters will prevent air flow it will withhold you have the performance y...

Page 78: ...KON AR KU ANSKI APARATI d o o Slavonska avenija 16 10001 Zagreb Hrvatska tel 385 1 2484 555 fax 385 1 2404 102 www koncar ka hr...
