Innovative Mill Technology
The millstones
Good millstones existed long before our time.
Some are still around today, such as the co-
rundummagnesite millstone developed around
1870. These are effective, but very susceptible
to damage from unwanted stones often found
in grain. And they require too much mainte-
nance for our type of application. We needed a
mill-stone that our household customers could
really count on, one much more durable and
practically maintenance free.
Enter Wolfgang Mock. Twenty five years ago,
he first experimented with corundum and ce-
ramic combinations to create a very robust
millstone, ideal for near-zero maintenance ap-
plications. His corundum/ceramic millstones
have an extremely rough surface, which hardly
wears down at all after years of use. They
grind coarse grain quickly into fine flour, and
are practically indestructible. Simply put: the
corundum/ceramic stones are beyond rock
hard and – for the time being anyway – state
of the art.
Environmentally friendly motors
Compact and powerful, the industrial-strength
electrical motors in KoMo mills provide many
years of reliable service. And they perform very
quietly. They run and run and run for decades.
The mill works
The milling mechanism is more than just mill-
stones and motor. Milling only functions opti-
mally when all the various components work
together. One such component in this balanced
interplay is another KoMo innovation: the spring
action between the millstones. This prevents the
loud grinding noise of the stones when the mill-
ing is completed, and the grind setting is 'fine'
– conserving both the stones and your nerves.
Users who have tested other mills in the mar-
ketplace have really come to appreciate this fea-
ture, for which KoMo received a patent in 1998.
Solid housing
Hard shell, hard core. For us, the external ap-
pearance of KoMo mills is extremely important.
We want each mill housing to reflect faithfully
the solidity, durability, and integrity of the mill's
internal workings. We invest heavily in both en-
gineering and aesthetics for each mill design,
working from the assumption that our mills
will reside on kitchen countertops for decades;
therefore, they must look great.
We use premium quality, native hardwood for
our housings because, quite simply, there is no
better material for the application. Wood worked
with a craftsman's skill stands up to everything
and looks good at the same time. We pretreat
the wood with organic vegetable oils, and rec-
ommend this treatment be carried out at regular
intervals throughout the mill's lifetime.
Effortless operation
We design each KoMo mill to do its job effi-
ciently and completely, without the aid of add-
ons and accessories. It needs to be able to grind
both very coarsely and very finely – transitioning
between the two settings in an obvious and
simple manner. If the user hears an odd sound
from the inside, she should be able to access the
inside easily to have a look. We have invested
countless hours developing solutions to these
design and engineering issues.