UAB AMALVA we reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
Room air. The determined humidity of indoor air is maintained, using the room air or exhaust air duct humidity
sensor (B8). The supply air humidity limit is set using the duct humidity sensor or hydrostat (B9).
One of the below methods can be chosen for maintenance of the determined humidity:
• Humidification of air. There is a control signal of 0...10 V, directly reflecting the capacity of the humidifier from
0 to 100 %. If humidification is required, the control is transferred through the output TG3 of the controller.
• Dehumidification of air. There is a control signal of 0...10 V, directly reflecting the capacity of the dehumidi
fier from 0 to 100 %. If dehumidification is required, the control is transferred through the output TG3 of the
• Dehumidification of air: cooling-heating. Dehumidification is performed using the coolers and heaters available
in the air handling unit. If there are several coolers and heaters, then it shall be pre-determined which of them
will be used in the dehumidification process.
• Humidification and dehumidification of air. For humidification of air the control signal of 0...10 V is used through
the output TG3 of the controller, and the dehumidification of air is performed using the coolers and heaters
available in the unit.
If the maintenance of the room air humidity is provided for, then the humid-
ity function will prevail over the air quality and recirculation functions, i.e.
when humidification or dehumidification is required, these functions will
be blocked.
6.8. Unit operation scheduling
6.8.1. Operation program
For air handling unit up to 20 operation programs can be set. An operation mode and a day of the week can be
assigned to each program.
6.8.2. Holidays
The holiday schedule specifies the time period during which the air handling unit will operate according to the
specified mode. Up to 10 holiday schedules can be set.
6.8.3. Recirculation schedule
The recirculation level in terms of percentage points and operation time are set. Up to 5 recirculation schedules
can be set.
This menu item is available when recirculation control according to the weekly schedule is activated.