A-61789/ISIS January 2016
Using the ISIS Driver
Starting the SVT Diagnostics/Scan Validation Tool ............................ 2
Scan Validation Tool dialog box ......................................................... 5
Configuring Image settings ................................................................ 6
Main tab........................................................................................ 8
Layout tab....................................................................................11
Scan Area dialog box ................................................................. 12
Image Processing tab................................................................. 14
Auto Color Detect tab ................................................................. 16
Dropout tab................................................................................. 18
Adjustments tab.......................................................................... 19
Background tab .......................................................................... 21
Image Edge Fill tab .................................................................... 22
Blank Page Detection tab........................................................... 23
About tab .................................................................................... 24
Configuring Scanner settings........................................................... 25
Scanner tab ................................................................................ 26
Multifeed Detection tab............................................................... 29
Imprinter tab ............................................................................... 31
Log tab ....................................................................................... 33
i3000 Series Scanners provide the ability to process
scanned images to improve their quality by using image processing
features. This guide provides information for the
i3200, i3250,
i3300, 3400 and i3450 Scanners. Any differences between the scanner
models will be noted.
Image processing
refers to features of the scanner that allow you to
automatically adjust each image that may improve the resulting images
(i.e., correcting any skew in the fed document, cutting the edges of the
image off to remove unneeded borders or cleaning up extraneous
“noise” on the image).
The ISIS Driver is software that communicates with the scanner. This
driver is created and maintained by EMC Captiva and is provided with
the scanner by Kodak Alaris. This driver can be used to interface with
many scanning applications that support ISIS drivers.
The information in this guide provides descriptions of the features on
the tabs of the ISIS Driver windows. The same features should be
available on the user interface of the scanning application you are