A-61159 May 2002
If you enabled Thickness Detection, you must calibrate a multifeed
thickness setting.
9. Click on the Calibration button.
10. Click on Multifeed Thickness and follow the prompts.
11. Locate a sheet of paper that is the same thickness as the
documents to be scanned
12. Insert the paper into the scanner.
13. Select a number in the Length Detection box to set the length limit,
if you wish to detect multifeeds by length.
The Multifeed Stops Scanning check box is enabled.
14. Select the unit of measure (inches, millimeters, or pixels).
NOTE: Users of the ISIS-compatible device driver:
When defining a multifeed detection length limit, it is
recommended that you set the limit at least 0.7 inches (18 mm)
longer than the length of the documents you are scanning.
15. Choose the scanning action that will follow the detection of a
multifeed—you can choose to stop scanning or continue scanning.
You must choose one or the other.
16. Choose an Alarm Volume setting under the Multifeed Stops
Scanning check box for an alarm tone that sounds when a multifeed
is detected.
Settings range from 0 (volume off) to 15 (the loudest volume).
17. Click on OK.
NOTE: Do not set the scanning action to “Continue Scanning” and the
alarm volume to a very low level. Doing so will effectively
“disable” multifeed detection—the alarm will not be audible and
the scanner will continue scanning after a multifeed is detected.