Operating Instructions KDF-9/KDG-9
KDF-9/KDG-9 K04/0922
Page 16
18 Decontamination certificate for device cleaning
Company: ...............................
City: ...................................
Department: ...........................
Name: ................................
Tel: ………..............................
This variable-area flowmeter
Type KDF-9/KDG-9-…………………...........
was operated using the measured medium..................................................................
Since this measured medium is dangerous in water*/poisonous*/corrosive*/flammable*,
we have:
checked that all hollow spaces of the device are free of these materials*
neutralized and flushed all hollow spaces of the device*
*cross out what is not applicable.
We hereby confirm that in resending the device no danger to persons or the environment is posed by the
residual measured substance.
Date: .............................
Name: ………………. Signature: ...........................