MENU20:ABS speed
+ key
− key
1 〜 6(Default setting) 〜 10
▶SThis function allows you to adjust speed of ABS
MENU19:ABS power
+ key
− key
0(Default setting) 〜 100
▶This function allows you to adjust amount of ABS pumping.
MENU18:Throttle reverse
+ key
− key
REV(Default setting)/ NORM
▶You can change the direction of throttle movement
(Use this function when the turning direction of servo
is opposite to the transmitter operation)
■MENU 18〜20
+/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.
Adjust using
+/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.
Adjust using
+/− keys. Push both keys together to reset.
Adjust using
※Adjust pumping amount of ABS. Effective to improve stability
if wheel locks during braking and as a result cornering
becomes smoother.
※When making small the values, the servo moves slow
and pumping cycle become short.
When making large the values, the servo moves fast
and pumping cycle become long.
Too large of a value will increase current draw and may
shorten the life span of a servo.