Paraly SW 112 PC Software
The Paraly SW 112 PC software supplements the Portavo series. It allows convenient
management of the data that have been acquired by the meters as well as simple
and clear configuration of the meters. Paraly SW 112 starts automatically when the
Portavo USB port is connected to the computer.
The Paraly SW 112 PC software stands out by the following features:
• Intuitive Windows user interface
• Easy configuration and management of several meters
• Display of device and sensor information
• Convenient management and evaluation of the data logger
• Export function for Microsoft Excel
• Print function
• Upgrade/downgrade of device firmware
Note: Prior to upgrading/downgrading the device firmware, Portavo is reset to its
factory settings.
Make the following backups prior to upgrading or downgrading:
• Read out Portavo data logger.
• Save the Portavo device configuration in Paraly.
The Paraly SW 112 PC software, incl. a detailed user manual, can be downloaded
from www.knick.de.