Vacuum Pump System SC 920G
Translation of original Operating Instructions, English, KNF 121308-121311 07/18
12. Returns
Pumps and systems used in laboratories and process-based
industries are exposed to a wide variety of conditions. This means
that the components contacting pumped media could become
contaminated by toxic, radioactive, or otherwise hazardous
For this reason, customers who send any pumps or systems back
to KNF must submit a Health and safety clearance and
decontamination form in order to avoid a hazardous situation for
KNF employees. This Health and safety clearance and
decontamination form provides the following information, among
other things:
physiological safety
whether medium-contacting parts have been cleaned
whether the equipment has been decontaminated
media that have been pumped or used
To ensure worker safety, work may not be started on pumps or
systems without a signed Health and safety clearance and
decontamination form.
For optimal processing of a return, a copy of this declaration
should be sent in advance via e-mail, regular mail, or fax to KNF
Customer Service (refer to final page for address). In order to avoid
endangering employees who open the shipment's packaging,
despite any residual hazards, the original version of the Health and
safety clearance and decontamination form must accompany the
delivery receipt on the outside of the packing.
The template for the Health and safety clearance and
decontamination form is included with these Operating Instructions
and may also be downloaded from the KNF website.
The customer must specify the device type(s) and serial number(s)
in the Health and safety clearance and decontamination form in
order to provide for the unambiguous assignment of the
Declaration to the device that is sent to KNF.
In addition to the customer's declaration of physiological safety,
information about operating conditions and the customer's
application are also of importance to ensure that the return
shipment is handled appropriately. Therefore, the Health and
safety clearance and decontamination form requests this
information as well.