Positioning Sidewall Nozzles
The four sidewall nozzles can be adjusted vertically and horizontally as well as rotated vertical-
ly and horizontally. Horizontal and vertical adjustments (moving nozzles closer to or further away
from wall and up or down) are made by loosening setscrews and sliding the boom extensions or nozzle
brackets. Nozzles are rotated vertically by loosening the nozzle arm attachment bolt and rotating the
nozzle arm. The swivel nozzle bodies provide horizontal rotation.
Place the wash-
er/sprayer at the de-
sired distance from the
wall to be washed. Ad-
just nozzles to cover the
desired height on the
wall. Make sure nozzle
spray tips are posi-
tioned to provide a ver-
tical, flat, spray pat-
tern. Make sure nozzle
spray patterns will over-
lap providing complete
coverage. It may be
necessary to temporari-
ly operate the pump
during the nozzle
adjustment process to
observe spray patterns
and make adjustments.
Positioning Floor and Ceiling Nozzles
Setting Break-Away Boom Latch Pressure
The 3/4” double swivel spray nozzle is for use in spraying floors and washing ceilings. For
spraying floors the nozzle should be turned downwards. The width covered by the nozzle is adjusted
by changing the angle of the tips and/or lowering or raising the nozzle. Air movement can greatly
decrease spray coverage. It may be desirable to close doors on the house or to spray one-half of the
house per pass. To wash or spray ceilings, invert the double swivel nozzle to point the tips upward.
The nozzle is inverted by loosening the setscrew on the nozzle support and inverting the support on
the extension arm. The nozzle can be brought closer to the ceiling by extending the extension arm.
With the nozzle raised, care must be taken to avoid hitting obstacles, e.g. raised watering equipment.
The amount of force required to release the break-away boom can be adjusted by loosening or
tightening the boom latch bolts. This will decrease or increase the amount of load on the latch springs.
Check the latch pressure by forcefully and quickly pushing against the wall nozzle arm. The latch
pressure should be checked with the wall nozzle boom extension in the retracted position..