7.1.1 Check for the initial 50 hours
(1) Replace engine oil
Replace engine oil in 50 Hrs for the first time, after the second time, replace it in 250 Hrs.
a. Remove oil drain bolt, drain oil empty, and run the engine for 3-5 minutes. It is easy to drain oil
out empty, if the engine warms.
b. After that recover the oil drain bolt and tighten.
c. If it is new oil, please fill with filling pipe. Fill under the upper lever.
d. Run engine for a few minutes after fill engine oil, and check oil position (between the position
of H and L).
(2) Replace engine oil filter element.
Remove the oil filter with special wrench.
Clear the filter installation end.
Smear thin lubricant on the seal gasket.
Screw on the filter with hands and then tighten it with the special wrench securely.
(3) Check the fan belt tension
Poor belt tension will cause bad driving of fan, cooling water pump and alternator, resulting in
overheated engine or insufficient battery charging. However, excessive belt tension will cause
damage to the bearing of water pump or alternator. So make sure to adjust the belt tension
according to the following instructions.
a. Open the side door.
b. Check the belt tension and curvature.
Tension 98.1N(10kgf)
Curvature 10~15mm
Adjustment of fan belt tension
Cooling water pump
Belt pulley of crankshaft