e. Engine stop key
Important-stop key test.
Before driving this vehicle, test the Engine Stop key to assure that it is operating
properly. With the engine running, turn the key counterclockwise to the “off” position for
the engine to shut down.
B. Pre-Drive Inspection
1. Check for Engine Oil Level. Check for transmission Oil Level. Check for leaks, add
if required.
2. Check the coolant. Check for leaks, add the coolant if required.
3. Check for Fuel Level. Add fuel as necessary and do not overfill. Check for leaks.
4. Check for Brakes. Depress the brake pedal several times, and then check for proper
brake pedal free play. Make sure there is no brake fluid leakage. Adjust if necessary.
5. Check the clutch cable, Assure the cable snaps back and has a smooth operation.
Ensure the clutch can operate smoothly. Adjust if necessary, or replace the clutch if
6. Check Tires. Check tires condition and pressure. The pressure on both Front and Rear
tire is 12psi.
7. Check Throttle. Check for smooth operation. Ensure the throttle “snaps” back to idle.
8. Check Engine Stop key. Perform engine stop key test. Repair as necessary.
9. Check all Nuts, Bolts, and fasteners. Check wheels to see that all axle nuts and lug nuts
are tightened properly. Check and tighten as necessary all other fasteners to specified
10. Check Roll Cage Bars. Ensure all protective roll cage bars are in place before
operating the Go-Kart.
12. Check Brake Light. Check for proper operation.
13. Check Wheels. Check for tightness of wheel nuts and axle nuts; check that axle nuts
are secured by cotter pins.
14. Check Steering. Check for free operation and for any unusual looseness in any area.
Perform this pre-dri ve inspecti on everyday before dri ving vehicle. If not performed,
seri ous damage to the vehicle or person al in ju ry may result.
Al ways follow rulesfor safe operation an d wear a helmet.