No Alcohol or Drugs
Alcohol, drugs and Go-Karts don’t mix. Even a small amount of alcohol can impair
your ability to operate a Go-Kart safely. Likewise, drugs, even if prescribed by a
physician, can be dangerous while operating a Go-Kart. Consult your doctor to be sure it
is safe to operate a vehicle after taking medication.
Before each drive, it is important to inspect your Go-Kart and make sure any
problems you find are corrected. A pre-drive inspection is a must, not only for safety,but
because having a breakdown, or even a flat tire, can be a major inconvenience.
If your Go-Kart has overturned or has been involved in a collision, do not drive it
until your Go-Kart has been inspected by your dealer, There may be damages or other
problems you can not see.
Pre-drive Inspection
Check the following items before you get on the Go-Kart:
Engine Oil
Check the level and add oil if needed. Check for leaks.
Check the coolant and add coolant if need. Check for the leaks.
Check the level and add fuel if needed. Also make sure the fuel fill cap is securely
fastened. Check for leaks.
Use a gauge to check the air pressure. Adjust if needed. Also look for signs of
damages or excessive wear.
Operating this Go-Kart after consuming al cohol or dru gs can seriousl y affect you r
ju dgment, cause you to react more slowly, affect you r balan ce an d perception, an d could
result in seri ous in ju ry or death .
Never consume al cohol or dru gs before or while operating this Go-Kart.
Im properly maintaining this Go-Kart or failing to correct a problem before dri ving can
cause a crash in which you can be seri ously hurt or dilled.
Al ways perform a pre-dri ve inspecti on before every dri ve an d correct any problems.