Do Not Perform Stunts
You should always operate your Go-Kart in a safe and reasonable manner. When
driving, always keep all four wheels on the ground.
Failure to use extra care when operating on excessi vely rough, sli ppery or loose terrain
could cause loss of tracti on or vehicle control, which could result in an accident, inclu ding
an overtu rn.
Do not operate on excessi vely rough, sli ppery or loose terrain until you have learned an d
practiced the skills necessary to control the Go-Kart on su ch terrain. Al ways be especially
cautious on these kinds of terrain.
Attem pting wheelies, an d other stunts increases the chance of an accident, inclu ding an
overtu rn.
Never attem pt stunts, su ch as wheelies or jum ps. Don’t try to show off.