wArnIng: pleASe reAd CAreFUlly And tHOrOUgHly
IMPORTANT: This alarm is designed to detect carbon monoxide gas from ANY source of combustion. It is NOT
designed to detect any other gas.
This alarm will only indicate the presence of carbon monoxide gas at the sensor. Carbon monoxide
gas may be present in other areas. Never restart the source of a CO problem until it has been fixed. NEVER IGNORE
Industry experts recommend a CO alarm be installed on each level of the home--ideally on any level with fuel
burning appliances and outside of sleeping areas.
tHIS prOdUCt IS Intended FOr USe In OrdInAry IndOOr lOCAtIOnS OF FAMIly
lIVIng UnItS. It IS nOt deSIgned tO MeASUre COMplIAnCe wItH OCCUpAtIOnAl SAFety And
HeAltH AdMInIStrAtIOn (OSHA) COMMerCIAl Or IndUStrIAl StAndArdS. It IS nOt SUItABle FOr
InStAllAtIOn In HAzArdOUS lOCAtIOnS AS deFIned In tHe nAtIOnAl eleCtrIC COde. It IS nOt
deSIgned FOr USe In A reCreAtIOnAl VeHICle (rV) Or BOAt.
The installation of this device should not be used as a substitute for proper installation, use, and maintenance of fuel
burning appliances, including appropriate ventilation and exhaust systems.
This alarm does not prevent CO from occurring, nor can it solve any existing CO problem.
wArnIng: tHIS deVICe IS deSIgned tO prOteCt IndIVIdUAlS FrOM ACUte eFFeCtS OF CAr-
BOn MOnOxIde expOSUre. It MAy nOt FUlly SAFegUArd IndIVIdUAlS wItH SpeCIFIC MedICAl
COndItIOnS. IF In dOUBt, COnSUlt A MedICAl prACtItIOner. IndIVIdUAlS wItH MedICAl prOB-
leMS MAy COnSIder USIng wArnIng deVICeS wHICH prOVIde AUdIBle And VISUAl SIgnAlS FOr
CArBOn MOnOxIde COnCentrAtIOnS Under 30 ppM.
This alarm has not been investigated for carbon monoxide detection below 70 PPM.
This combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarm requires a continuous supply of electrical power – it will not
work without power.