When chirping begins during the next Day cycle, you can temporarily
silence End of Unit Life chirps by pressing the Test/Hush® button. Low
Battery chirps cannot be silenced. If a valid Night / Day cycle has not
been established because the unit is located in either a constantly dark
or lighted location, the chirps mentioned above will not be delayed at
night. Moving the unit to a different location might allow the unit to determine a valid Night / Day cycle.
wArnIng: replACe UnIt AS SOOn AS pOSSIBle wHen In end OF UnIt lIFe Or lOw BAttery MOde.
11. Recognizing Nuisance Alarms
Smoke nuisance
If you know why the alarm is sounding, and you can verify that it is not a life threatening situation, you can
push the button on the initiating unit (green LED flashing every second) to silence the alarm for 8-10 minutes. If the
smoke is not too dense, that unit, and all interconnected units will silence. After the Hush® period, the smoke alarm will
automatically reset and sound the alarm if particles of combustion are still present. You can use Hush® repeatedly until
the air has been cleared of the condition causing the alarm.
Dense smoke will override Hush® and sound a continuous alarm. If no fire is present, check to see if
one of the reasons listed in “Locations to avoid” may have caused the alarm. If a fire is discovered, get out and
call the fire department.
End of Unit Life: will be delayed at night
Low battery: will be delayed at night