Never ignore the sound of the alarm!
Never restart the source of the CO problem un/l it has
been corrected. If the alarm is sounding, pressing the test/reset bu0on will terminate the
alarm. If the CO condi/on that caused the alert in the first place con/nues, the alarm will
reac/vate. If the unit alarms again within six minutes, it is sensing high levels of CO which can
quickly become a dangerous situa/on.
4. Switching on Your CO Alarm
NOTE: Your CO alarm must be installed by a competent person using the guidance that follows:
1. The alarm is shipped turned off and is ac/vated the first /me the moun/ng bracket is
a0ached. To ac/vate the alarm; for wall-moun/ng install the moun/ng bracket using the
instruc/ons below and slide the alarm un/l it snaps into place. For tabletop applica/ons
simply slide the bracket onto the unit un/l it snaps into place.
2. To test the alarm, press the test bu0on. The alarm will beep once followed by 4 loud
pulses, then a brief pause and then 4 more pulses, ending with a single beep. The alarm has
a ‘ramp-up’ horn so during the test sequence it will sound more so!ly, making it more
comfortable for the user. This confirms that the alarm is powered up and working.
3. Check that the green LED flashes at 30 second intervals to show that the alarm has power.
This is easiest to see in a dark area, or with lights switched off.
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