3. What to do if Your Alarm Sounds!
Carbon Monoxide Alarm Procedure
WARNING! Ac0va0on of the alarm indicates the presence of Carbon Monoxide
(CO) which can kill you.
Based on recommenda/ons from EN 50292, follow these steps if alarm sounds (4 loud audible
pulses followed by a pause for 5 seconds, repea/ng):
1. Keep calm and open all doors and windows. Turn off all fuel-burning appliances if possible.
Note: it is possible that outdoor condi/ons could influence domes/c CO alarms (bad traffic
pollu/on in cold weather, for example). In these circumstances, the level of indoor CO
might actually increase when doors and windows are opened.
2. If the alarm con/nues to sound, even a!er being reset (where appropriate), then evacuate
the premises, aler/ng other occupants to the risk. Leave doors and windows open. Do not
re-enter the premises.
3. Get medical help for anyone suffering the effects of CO poisoning, and advise that CO inhala-
/on is suspected.
4. Call Gas Emergency Services: 0800 111 999, or your local Gas Safe Registered Engineer:
Addi/onal telephone numbers are available for solid fuel (HETAS) and oil (O!ec) users at the
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