Kice Industries, Inc.
012420 / FLT-M02-0004
High voltage and rotating parts can cause serious or fatal injury. Only qualified
personnel should perform installation, operation and maintenance of electrical machinery.
Make sure that any electric motor and the frame of the filter is effectively grounded in
accordance with OSHA standards, the National Electrical Code and local codes.
7. Connect the high pressure air supply to the filter air tank, utilizing the pressure regulator, filter and
valve(s), if required.
8. The Kice Venturi-Jet filter controller is normally mounted adjacent to the Kice Venturi-Jet filter hous-
ing access door. However, it can be mounted in any convenient location. Orientation of the
controller does not affect its performance.
9. Electrical conduit and junction tees (one at each Kice Venturi-Jet solenoid valve) are furnished with
each filter. On filters with one air tank, the electrical manifold is pre-wired from the solenoids directly to
the control box. On filters with two or more air tanks, each tank has an electrical manifold that is pre-
wired from the solenoids to a junction box. Each air tank has its own junction box. A local electrician
must run a conduit from the control box to each junction box on the filter. Wiring from the controller to
the junction box terminals should be #18 gauge. One wire from each solenoid is
connected to the corresponding terminal on the terminal strip. The second wire for each solenoid is
connected to the common/neutral lead. For ease in assembly, a white wire should be used for the com-
mon/neutral lead. Wires of any color other than white or green can be used for the hot lines (number-
ing each end may be helpful).
Reference Figure 14 in the Operating Logic section for example wiring diagram.
10. The sequence controller is not dependent on the successful firing of the Kice Venturi-Jet blast valve
to advance to the next valve in sequence. If, for any reason, a Kice Venturi-Jet blast valve does not fire,
the controller will continue to time out the “off” time and activate the next valve in sequence.
11. Some systems will have a fan and airlock valve to be connected. Verify that the fan and airlock rota-
tion direction is correct as marked.
12. Test run the filter. If any unusual noises occur, disconnect and lock out the power. Check the fan,
airlock valve and screw conveyor, if furnished.
13. Reassemble any doors or covers removed during installation.
Installation Continued