Protector Operation Manual
Keywest Technology
14563 W. 96
Lenexa, Kansas 66215
10 July 2000
Once you successfully log on to a network, or CANCEL network log on if you choose to run the
system off-line, the Protector GUI will auto-run. The next thing you should see on your setup
monitor is the GUI’s request for you to choose a COMM PORT. For virtually all setups, select
COMM 1 (this is the default if you simply press enter at this point) and click OK. Note, if the
Protector has been configured to “auto-start” this page may not be seen.
The GUI will now verify the port you selected, and if all is correct will immediately take you to
the initialize routine.
You will now encounter three successive initialize screens that ask you to verify that you’re
ready to start the system and initialize the video processing boards. Click OK if you’re ready on
all three initialize screens.
Select Port 1
Click OK