Installation Instruction for Koker with thermostat
The burning coals should be the width of the grate and about 1 ½” to 2” in length. If the
burning coals get any less than 1 ½” the fire may go out. SOLUTION: Increase coal
A weak draft can also cause the fire to go out, if fire appears to be very dull, add as
many extra pins to timer as needed, until fire stays lit.
If convection blower cycles on and off often and produces too much heat, ether the fire
bed is too long or timer is running too long. If you reduce coal feed or remove timer
pins, do not make radical changes. Reduce coal feed 1 or 2 turns OR remove 1 pin from
timer. Then wait several hours before making any more reductions. A sudden radical
change may be too much and cause fire to go out.
Once the coal feed and timer are set and fire stays lit, without convection blower
running too much, it is usually not necessary to make any more changes.