Installation Instruction for Koker with thermostat
react with combustion by products. Dried on cleaning solution may react with surface
causing discoloration or a permanent film.
If white deposits are found to be on the surface of glass, these should be scraped off
using a sharp bladed scrapper and wiped away with a dry cloth prior to any wet
cleaning. Scrapping should be done at a low angle below 30 degrees.
Although glass is extremely hard and very scratch resistant, it is not scratch proof. The
use of abrasive cleaners (i.e., any cleaners containing grit) and scouring pads (i.e., steel
wool, plastic with embedded grit) should be strictly avoided.
Soft cloths should be used for all cleaning steps. The cloths should be free of any
abrasive agents from any previous use
Dried on cleaning solutions may react with glass surface causing discoloration or a
permanent film
glass is the best glass for use on anthracite burning coal stove, the
manufacturer of the glass offers no warranty.