4.1 - Configuring Your Serial Device
Prior to using your serial device (modem,UPS, etc.) with the Keyspan Mini Port Replicator, you
1. connect your serial device (hardware) to the Keyspan port
2. configure your serial device's software to use the Keyspan port
The following instructions provide a general overview of this process however we do provide
specific configuration instructions for certain serial devices. For a list of these examples, please
read the
Configuration Examples for Mac OS
Appendix in this manual.
Connecting Your Serial Device (Hardware)
If your Keyspan adapter is not connected, please do so NOW.
Step 1
Connect Your Serial Device To The Keyspan Adapter
Attach your serial device's (ie Palm cradle, GPS, cell phone) serial cable to the serial port on your
Keyspan Mini Port Replicator.
Step 2
Determine Which Keyspan Port Your Serial Device Is Connected To
If your have a Keyspan product that has more than one serial port, please note which Keyspan
serial port your serial device is connected to (the serial port on the Keyspan product, not your USB
ports on your computer or USB hub). This information will become useful as we start Configuring
Your Serial Device's Software.
Configuring Your Serial Device's Software
The following configuration instructions provide a basic overview of how to configure your
software to use your Keyspan serial port(s). For specific instructions on how to operate your serial
device, please refer to your serial device's user's manual for detailed instructions...
(continued on next page...)
Keyspan:Mini Port Replicator for Mac OS-v2.6 User Manual
This User Manual applies to the Keyspan Mini Port Replicator Software for Mac OS.
(rev 02jun20JA)
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