7.1.a - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The following is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Keyspan Mini Port
Replicator for Mac OS. Keyspan frequently updates and adds the questions and answers list below.
For the latest list, please visit the our web site at:
Frequently Asked Question List
How do I configure my serial device to recognize the Keyspan
Mini Port Replicator?
To configure any serial device to use a serial port on any Keyspan USB Serial Adapter, you must:
1. Locate the software that controls your serial device.
2. Access that software's port or connection configuration screen/dialog/menu/etc.
3. Select the Keyspan port that your device is connected to in port or connection configuration
screen/dialog/menu/etc. for that device
Depending on what type of serial device you have, you may have to configure a control panel, an
application, a plug-in, or an icon in the Chooser. Keyspan provides documentation on how to
configure many popular serial devices in the
Configuration Examples for Mac OS
appendix in this
Can I connect my Keyspan USB device to a USB hub?
Yes, any Keyspan USB device can be connected to a USB hub. However, there are some USB hubs
that cannot fully support some USB devices. If you are having problems with a Keyspan USB
device that is connected to a USB hub, please connect the Keyspan USB device to a built-in USB
Keyspan:Mini Port Replicator for Mac OS-v2.6 User Manual
This User Manual applies to the Keyspan Mini Port Replicator Software for Mac OS.
(rev 02jun20JA)
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