The Assist Menu
the Assist menu
The Keyspan Serial Assistant's Assist menu is located in the Menu bar and provides access to the
following command(s):
• The Loopback Test command performs an 'internal loopback test.' This tests the ability of
the Adapter to send data. Since this test does not test the ability to receive data.
Results of this test listed in the Serial Adapter Status text box. Please note that this test
cannot take place when the Keyspan serial port is in use by another application.
Note: The Loopback Test is not available on the Keyspan Mini Port
• The Advanced Settings button will access the Keyspan adapter's advance configuration
options. Once you click this button, you will open the
Keyspan Manager
• The External Loopback command tests the Adapter's ability to send and receive data.
This test requires an external 'loopback connector'. For details about external loop back
connectors, please read the External Loopback Connector information in
Serial Port Pin Outs
appendix in this manual.
5.1.a - Keyspan Manager
The Keyspan Manager window allows you to modify characteristics of your Keyspan serial
port(s). You should only change settings in this window if you are sure that you specifically need
to change them.
To open the Keyspan Manager, click the "Advanced Settings" button in the
Keyspan Serial Assistant
control panel (located in your Control Panels folder (located in your
hard drive's System Folder)). This will open the Keyspan Manager window.
(continued on next page...)
Keyspan:Mini Port Replicator for Mac OS-v2.6 User Manual
This User Manual applies to the Keyspan Mini Port Replicator Software for Mac OS.
(rev 02jun20JA)
Page 12