7.1.cx.04 - Final Cut Pro
This Configuration Example assumes that you have already done the following:
installed the Keyspan serial port
installed the Final Cut Pro
connected your video deck
to a Keyspan serial port.
If you have not performed any of the steps mentioned above, please do so before proceeding.
Step 1
Check the Keyspan Serial Assistant
Before proceeding, you should check to see if the Keyspan serial port is installed correctly.
To do this, open the
Keyspan Serial Assistant
(located in your
folder). When you
open the
Keyspan Serial Assistant
If your Keyspan hardware and software are installed correctly, the '
Serial Ports
' text box will
show an icon of your Keyspan serial product. If you do not see an icon of your Keyspan serial
product , contact
Keyspan Tech Support
for further information.
Click on the TRIANGLE to the left of your Keyspan icon. This will display the names of the
serial port(s) on that Keyspan product as shown below:
Note the the serial port name in the
Keyspan Serial Assistant
. We will be selecting this port name
in the Final Cut Pro software later.
Note: If you have a Keyspan product that has more than one serial
port, note the serial port name of the serial port that your Palm is con-
nected to. Typically, the last 2 letters indicate the port number on
your Keyspan hardware (ie P1 = port 1, P2 = port 2, etc.)
Step 2 -
Setup the Final Cut Pro Software.
Launch Final Cut Pro.
Under the Final Cut Pro menu, select
Audio/Video Settings
. (see below)
Keyspan USB Serial Adapter Software v2.x for Mac OS X User Manual
Rev 2006aug07 Page 35