Keysight E6961A User Guide and Method of Implementation
Test Mode 4. Transmitter Distortion and MDI Return Loss Tests
Test Setup
Sections 1 and 11 of the N5395C Ethernet Test Fixture are used in this test.
A disturbing signal source is required to test for compliance. There is an option to
test without a disturbing signal source, but the test result is not applicable for
compliance. The test accepts only a differential signal.
When using a supported function generator, there is an automatic calibration
process to calibrate the function generators. If an unsupported model is used, the
user will have to manually calibrate the function generators.
Table 1-3
List of supported function generators
Supported Function Generators
Number Required
Keysight 33250A
Keysight 82357B USB/GPIB interface and one additional GPIB
cable required.
Keysight 33612A
LAN Cable required.
Keysight 81150A
LAN Cable required. (2- Channel, orderable through E6961A
Compliance Test Solution