521 East 3
Street Mt. Vernon, NY 10553 • www.keydigital.com
Rev 1.2
– March. 2021
c. Choose
Event Type
. Example images for each event type are found in the following pages.
1) LED Addition
adds a Red or Blue blink in addition to the button’s typical LED behavior.
2) IP Command
sends commands to control a device at the specified IP address and Port number.
TCP or UDP formats are supported and the data type may be String (ASCII) or HEX format. Enter
command info into the Data cell, including \r for carriage return and \n for line feed if necessary. An
adjustable delay can be added after the IP Command is sent.
3) Delay Addition
adds an extra delay (0.1 -10 seconds) to control slower devices.
4) IR KD-CX/922
sends IR command info to KD-CX800, KD-IP922, KD-IP1022, or KD-IP822 master
controllers at the specified IP address and port number and selected I/O port. If KD-IP822 is used,
please only select from I/O port 1 or 2. The IR command can be pasted from any Pronto Hex
document or from Key Digital’s IR Manager.
5) IR KD-MC1000
sends IR command info to KD-MC1000 master controller at the specified IP
address and port number and selected I/O port. The IR command can be pasted from any Pronto
Hex document or from Key Digital’s IR Manager.
6) RS232 KD-CX/922
sends RS232 command info to KD-CX800, KD-IP922, KD-IP1022, or KD-IP822
master controllers at the specified IP address and port number and selected I/O port. Port 1 is not
selectable as all MC models do not support RS232 on port 1. Baud Rate is selectable from 1,200 to
115,200 bps. String (ASCII) or HEX data type may be selected and command info may be entered
into the Data cell, including \r for carriage return and \n for line feed. An adjustable delay can be
added after the command is sent.
7) RS232 KD-MC1000
sends RS232 command info to KD-MC1000 master controller at the specified
IP address and port number and selected I/O port. Baud Rate is selectable from 1,200 to 115,200
bps. String (ASCII) or HEX data type may be selected, and command info may be entered into the
Data cell including \r for carriage return and \n for line feed. An adjustable delay can be added after
8) Relay KD-MC1000
sends info to KD-MC1000 to set the Relay port to On (Normally Open) or Off